The Sale of Joseph and the Son of God

Any observant tourist to Germany this year would notice that the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation means a great deal to the country....

3 Questions to Consider Before You Share

Any observant tourist to Germany this year would notice that the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation means a great deal to the country....

Trusting Our Awakening Heart

Any observant tourist to Germany this year would notice that the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation means a great deal to the country....

XXIV Niedziela Zwykła 12 września 2021 r.

Dzisiaj po wieczornej Mszy św. spotkanie Rady Parafialnej.Kolekta dzisiejsza przeznaczona jest na nasze Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Toruniu.W poniedziałek 13 IX po wieczornej Mszy...

Desiring God

Any observant tourist to Germany this year would notice that the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation means a great deal to the country....


Niedziela 1.11.2020 7.30  + Antoniego i Zofię Meler, dziadków Szałkowskich i Meler 9.30    za zmarłych członków Żywego Różańca 11.30 + Eugeniusza (13 rocz. śm.) Tyszkiewicza i...

XXII Dzień Papieski w Parafii

Obchodziliśmy dziś (16.10.2022r.) XXII Dzień Papieski, podczas Mszy świętej i bezpośrednio po niej o godzinie 9:30 uczciliśmy pamięć oraz relikwie świętego Jana Pawła II. Dziękujemy za...

Thabiti Anyabwile on Preaching and Pastoral Ministry

Any observant tourist to Germany this year would notice that the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation means a great deal to the country....

The Revolution of Tenderness

Any observant tourist to Germany this year would notice that the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation means a great deal to the country....

The National Book Awards Longlist: Fiction

Any observant tourist to Germany this year would notice that the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation means a great deal to the country....
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